AP Language and Composition
AP Language and Composition | |
Instructor Information |
Mrs. Molly Chertock Email: mchertock@orangeusd.og |
Textbook Information |
Kennedy, X.J., Dorothy M. Kennedy, and Jane Aaron, eds. THE BEDFORD READER 12th edition. Bedford/St. Martin Press Muller, Gilbert H., Melissa E. Whiting, eds. LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION; THE ART OF VOICE. McGraw-Hill Education Supplemental Text: Graff, Gerald. THEY SAY/I SAY 3rd edition. W.W. Norton & Company. Copyright 2014 |
Course Description | The AP English Language and Composition course aligns to an introductory college-level rhetoric and writing curriculum, which requires students to develop evidence-based analytic and argumentative essays that proceed through several stages or drafts. Students evaluate, synthesize, and cite research to support their arguments. Throughout the course, students develop a personal style by making appropriate grammatical choices. Additionally, students read and analyze the rhetorical elements and their effects in non-fiction texts, including graphic images as forms of text, from many disciplines and historical periods. |
Summer Information | |
Workload - recommended skills/courses to take for the class | The Advanced Placement (AP) English Language/Composition class is an accelerated high school course, which parallels a college level introductory English course (passage of the AP examination offered in May may earn college credits). The goal of this course is to strengthen your abilities as a critical reader, writer, and independent thinker. This class will require intensive reading and discussion of essays and articles from a variety of time periods (including but not limited to personal memoirs, journalism pieces, pieces of satire, essays, letters, speeches, and other documents) examining how writers use language and rhetorical strategies to persuade, engage, educate, and entertain. In addition to reading and understanding what authors are tryig to communicate, students will produce their own argument responses to author's based on initial argument. Writing in this course will also cover multiple conventions, but the emphasis will be on expository, analysis and argumentative styles. Above all, this course is about ideas. |
Links to Study Guides / Websites |
AP College Board Course Overview - AP Language and Composition |