AP Studio Art 2-D
AP Studio Art 2-D | |
Instructor Information |
Ms. Emmy Wang Email: ewang@orangeusd.org |
Textbook Information |
Discovering Drawing, Sallye Mahan-Cox, Ted Rose, 2nd ed., 2007, Davis Publications, Inc. Art Fundamentals; Theory and Practice, Robert Bone, David Cayton, Otto Ocvirk, Robert Stinson, Philip Wigg, 9th ed., 2002, McGraw-Hill. Drawing; A Contemporary Approach, Claudia Betti, Teel Sale, 5th ed., 2004, Wadsworth. Shaping Space, Mary Pat Fisher, Paul Zelanski, 2nd ed., 1995, Thomson Learning Inc. Anatomy for Drawing, Jeno Barcsay, 1958, Octopus Books Limited. The Visual Experience, Jack Hobbs, Richard Salome, Ken Vieth, 3rd ed., 2005, Davis Publications, Inc. Art History, Marilyn Stokstadt, Revised 2nd ed., 2005, Pearson Education, Inc. |
Course Description | The AP Program offers three studio art courses and portfolios: 2-Dimensional Design, 3-Dimensional Design, and Drawing. The AP Studio Art portfolios are designed for students who are seriously interested in the practical experience of art. Students submit portfolios for evaluation at the end of the school year. The three portfolios correspond to the most common college foundation courses. Students may choose to submit any or all of the Drawing, 2-Dimensional Design, or 3-Dimensional design portfolios. Students create a portfolio of work to demonstrate the artistic skills and ideas they have developed, refined, and applied over the course of the year to produce visual compositions. |
Summer Information |
There is no Summer Assignment. |
Workload - recommended skills/courses to take for the class |
It is highly suggested for students to visit museums and do daily sketches in their sketchbook. Students are expected to draw everyday. Workload recommended: This class requires that you work consistently and effectively both in and outside of class. This course necessitates an intense commitment of time and effort to produce original artworks of exceptional quality. You are expected to complete the requirements of a finished portfolio for submission to the College Board by the first week of May. The AP Portfolio is comprised of 3 sections (Breadth, Concentration, and Quality), consisting of at least 24 original artworks. In order to complete the AP Studio Portfolio, students will need to complete 1 to 2 pieces of finished artwork and at least one sketchbook assignment each week. Students are expected to complete all homework and assignments on time. Students will consistently and independently need to evaluate whether or not to; take a project home to work further, sketch, complete research, refine technique, or if they need to work through a concept in their sketchbook. It is expected and necessary that they work both on ideas and artwork outside of class time. It is a requirement that students that take AP Art, has first taken Art 1, 2 and 3.
Links to Study Guides / Websites |